Every time while you browse on internet find any thing interesting content or information instead of noting on any book or word pad just make use of ‘Sticky Notes’ on your PC for ready reference.
Sticky Notes enables you not to forget things very easy, it reminds you whenever you work on PC.
To create Sticky Notes on Windows 7,
By using ‘Search’ option from Start button, type as ‘Sticky Notes’. On listed options you can create any type of Sticky Notes.
Created notes will be visible on Desktop screen as ‘Sticky Notes’.
Using short cut key ‘Ctrl + N’ you can write new notes.
Using Short cut key ‘Ctrl + D’ you can delete created notes.
Sticky Notes enables you not to forget things very easy, it reminds you whenever you work on PC.
To create Sticky Notes on Windows 7,
By using ‘Search’ option from Start button, type as ‘Sticky Notes’. On listed options you can create any type of Sticky Notes.
Created notes will be visible on Desktop screen as ‘Sticky Notes’.
Using short cut key ‘Ctrl + N’ you can write new notes.
Using Short cut key ‘Ctrl + D’ you can delete created notes.